Call (808) 521-4513

Blast Resistant Design

Blast Resistant Design & Anti-Terrorism Force Protection (ATFP).

As part of our hazard design portfolio, we specialize in the design of buildings and other structures to resist the blast forces created by terrorist events or accidental explosions.

Experience in blast effects analysis and design, research and development, testing, and field engineering, will produce an engineered design that will address criteria involving risk, damage control, building occupancy and functional importance, and material behavior in blast events. We also provide an extensive range of services for the evaluation of blast integrity of existing facilities.

We can apply technically sophisticated analysis approaches that serve to allow more efficient distribution of materials to maintain strength and structural reliability with reduced cost to the project.

Mr. Chock is also an approved data custodian under a DD 2345 Militarily Critical Data Agreement and performs Blast Effect Analysis and ATFP using methodologies of the US Army Corps of Engineers Protective Design Center. He is also familiar and experienced with GSA criteria and associated analysis software.


CALL (808) 521-4513

1001 Bishop Street,
Suite 2950, Honolulu,
HI 96813